“Lynna, you are a beautiful soul. The manner in which you have approached working with my soul has been welcoming, affirming, and most importantly, has made me feel safe. Thank you for holding up a mirror to the goodness that is within me. ”

– SB (client)

  • B O D Y W O R K

    Each of the Seven Modules in the UNCAGED program will incorporate some form of bodywork; whether it be Bowenwork, Massage, Raindrop Therapy with essential oils or a combination depending on what your body needs.

    When the body experiences stress and trauma and if it is not properly released, it will hold those traumas in your body often causing hardness, pain, illness, anxiety, numbness, hyper-sensitivity, auto-immunes or other undiagnosed illnesses.

    It is this alchemy of bodywork, coaching and wandering that will take you more quickly into your extraordinary and wondrous body and spirit.

  • C O A C H I N G/M E N T O R I N G

    Why UNCAGED? In 2016, I experienced my first spiritual awakening and transformation. I was struggling with the fundamentalist Christian church I belonged to at the time (and had grown up in) and the realization that I was gay; paired with a 30 year marriage to my best friend, many un-diagnosed and diagnosed illnesses, childhood and religious trauma and this feeling of being so fearful, yet knowing for the first time who I was.

    It was during this time that I had a vision of myself in a cage; the door of the cage locked. But upon further examination, the door of the cage was not locked at all. It never had been.

    I was told to “go find myself;” but I had no idea what that meant or where to start. It was through trying many different healing modalities, exercises, programs and solo trips where I discovered what helped me the most. I have been called to share some of these things with you.

    Don’t be afraid. You are not alone. How many times have you said, “No” out of fear? Maybe it’s time to take that first step with, “Yes, let’s go!”


    “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    There is everything to learn from nature. It is here where we can observe and listen and feel into our body what the earth is also feeling. Nature therapy has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, increase immune function, ease anxiety and depression and it holds you in whatever place you’re in - no judgement.

    Another critical piece of the UNCAGED program consists of time in nature, to explore, dive into your senses and reconnect with your own wild.


What you can expect to receive from this journey:

  • Transformation

  • Freedom from the residuals of past trauma

  • Clearer vision of your future

  • Deeper connection to your body

  • Greater love and respect for yourself

The Program

This program is intense and in-depth.
The combination of coaching, bodywork and nature is a potent elixir for rapidly reconnecting you to your body and soul.

“I feel much more in touch with my self, my body, my emotions. I feel less anxious. Lighter energetically, and happier. I laugh more. I want to play more. I'm excited for what's ahead instead of afraid. I think less about what others think of me, and spend that emotional effort on love for myself and for others. ”

– KC (client)